Seeking more Canadians to help create a new government.
We do have a great country with so much potential!
But the present form of government is literally bleeding the
potential right out of this country by giving away billions of dollars
on an annual basis and increasing what they take from you every
year of your life. The average Canadian pays 57% of there hard
earned money to the government every year. Combine income,
sales, goods (gst) taxes plus all the fees you must pay for so many
things now.
Put it this way, you pay the goverment all that money in taxes
and when you need a new copy of your birth certificate you have
to pay a fee for the service but you have already paid your taxes
to the government for these services already but if nobody used this
service, the same government employees still get paid by our tax dollars
for sitting there waiting to provide that service for us but if we want to
use it we must first pay for the service again even though these government
employee's are paid already by our tax dollars.
And all services and systems in our government work this way!
We have to pay a fee to use a service that our government provides?
Our tax dollars are already paying the wages of these employee's and
our tax dollars pay for the buildings these employee's are in and all the
equipment required for them to do the job is paid for by our tax dollars,
which is all true but all these employee's and building and equipment that
you have already paid for cannot be used by you unless you pay the fee.
About Northerntruthseeker
Title for this blog because I want you to follow and read his posts on his blog
Refreshing to see that all Canadians are not blind
Help us to make people aware of the Truth
Help us to form a new type of government that can give you twice as much
service but charge you half the taxes you pay now !!!
A real Democracy where everyone counts.
Every voter accounted for on election day.
In the present system, only those who vote count towards the final result.
Those voter that do not cast a ballot are really saying NO to all political parties running.
Therefore, their democratic count for winning elections is based on only 50% of real voters.
So are present majority government really only holds power by approximately--
To Me: "That is not democratic at all"
Hypothetically speaking:
If I were to run for leader of this great country of Canada
The voting ballot would be much different.
You would vote for a leader not a political party
There would be an extra box on the ballot for those voters who
do not like any leader up for election creating a true democratic voice.
Then those who do not vote will just be considered as they do not care about
their countries future.
All elected leaders would run a government by referendum only.
If the elected leader wanted to send our troops to another country, the leader would have to
run a referendum and allow all the democratic voice to make this decision rather
then Canadians waking up one morning a few years ago and learning that are peacekeeping
military force were now combat military forces and our country was not even being invaded.
Was your opinion asked before this decision?
I know it was not in any political parties election platform and that is the only time you get to vote!
Every elected party I have ever seen in power in my lifetime, all made great promises at
election time but all promises forgotten after they were elected!
Every elected party I have ever seen in power in my lifetime, all increased taxes!
Ever elected party I have ever seen in power in my lifetime run government like a corporation
and have made huge profits from it's employee's (the taxpayer).
Our government is suppose to be the elected body that runs our country for the people who
elected them.
Instead, when they are elected they only continue with the corporate agenda which is make a
bigger profit than the previous year and their corporate income source is your tax dollars.
To be continued---
How crooked is are neighbor?
To know our neighbor declared a new type of war on another country.
Without telling anyone except Israel whom they are partners with!
Did our government know about this? (probably)